The beginning of robot may traced to the great greek engineer Ctesibius (270B.C.) Ctesibius applied a knowledge of pneumatics and hydraulics to produce the first organ and water clock by moving figures. Ctesibius’s disciple Philo of Byzantium (200B.C.) wrote Mechanical Collection describing Ctesibius work. Building on Ctesibius’s work , Hero of Alexandria (85 A.D.) wrote On Automatic Theaters, On Pneumatics, and On Mechanics and is recognized as the greatest Greek engineer. Hero, famous for invention of steam engine, presented the first well documented, workable robot outside of mythology. Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519) followed in hero’s footsteps, studying everything he could obtain on his work. He was actively engaged in verifying Greek reconstructions, an actively that no doubt inspired him to devise water powered organs and clocks equipped with jacquemart for striking the hours. Another automation that Leonardo was surely was aware of was the famous Strasbourg cock which wa...